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cure needs sugar?

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2022 19:44
by sambal badjak
I got into a discussion with someone who claimed sugar is necessary for curing, but salt isn't.
To me that's the wrong way around and I said so.
This person is adamant though and is quoting FDA regulations.
I just wanted to ask here, before saying anything back.
If true, it would be my first time hearing of this

Re: cure needs sugar?

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2022 03:01
by redzed
While sugar does act as a preservative, help in colour retention, aid in lowering the pH and enhance flavour, it is not a curing agent. It's not an essential ingredient in the meat curing process.

Re: cure needs sugar?

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2022 05:12
by Indaswamp
Can't cure without salt. Period. It is the salt that pulls moisture out of the meat. You can cure whole muscles without sugar (Prosciutto, Culatello, Spalla, Etc...).

Re: cure needs sugar?

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2022 16:44
by sambal badjak
It's what I told this guy, but just wanted to be sure!
Haven't been doing any curing for a while, but will get back to it.