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"Home Canning Meat, Poultry, Fish and Vegetables"

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2013 07:26
by Chuckwagon
My goodness! Does Stan Marianski ever sleep? With his son Adam, he has just written another "must have" and it is powerful! As usual, I couldn`t put it down and marked it all up with a red pencil, savoring every paragraph. What a reference treasure. Stan and his son Adam call it "Home Canning Meat, Poultry, Fish and Vegetables".

The Marianskis begin with a little history and the timetable of canning history and its development in the United States. He specifies federal regulations and indeed points to the common mistake of canning low-acid foods such as meat or vegetables in an open canner without special precautions. Stan makes it clear that these foods must be processed at different pressures and temperatures to overcome the dangers that account for home-hobbyist food poisoning cases everywhere. His book explains in simple language, the science of canning low-acid foods. It also reveals the secrets and procedures used by commercial canners.

In my opinion, this is by far, the most comprehensive and authoritative book on this particular subject available on the market. It is a "must have" indeed for anyone planning to can and preserve any type of meat or vegetable.

Stan and Adam also describe procedures and equipment used and in the second chapter, he explains the importance of sealing and joinery. The third chapter covers pressure-canning and sealing, while the microbiology of canned foods is covered in the fourth chapter. (Now we`re talking, Stan!) The authors even describe "thermophillic" bacteria - the type that indeed, may survive high temperature! Finally, Stan and Adam completely explain and clarify the mysteries of canning low-acid foods while organizing the procedure of thermal processing and the actual canning of the product. Be sure to read more and order your copy at this link:

Congratulations Stan and Adam. I seriously wonder how many lives this book might save. Certainly, by following the rules you`ve outlined, people will be much safer as well as having retained even more information than previously available anywhere. Thank you gentlemen!

Yours most appreciately,