Pork Loin Sausage - Kiełbasa Polędwicowa

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Pork Loin Sausage - Kiełbasa Polędwicowa

Post by redzed » Tue Dec 08, 2020 08:25

Kiełbasa Polędwicowa - Pork Loin Sausage

These days commodity pork loins regularly go on sale at supermarkets providing excellent raw material for a variety of applications. Many believe pork loin meat is too lean or lacking in flavour to be used in making sausage. Nothing could be further from the truth! Here is a recipe for a Polish pork loin sausage (Kiełbasa polędwicowa) that will blow you away! It’s mild and delicately flavoured, yet tasty, not dry and will make a fantastic sandwich. An all-round classy sausage. It's made from 90% meat from the loin and 10% beef. The recipe and process closely resemble the famous Kiełbasa Krakowska.

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Recipe for 1kg of meat
Pork loin, Class I, lean without connective tissue 500g
Pork loin, Class II, up to 30% fat without connective tissue, 300g
Beef, Class I or II, 100g
Pork, Class III, trimmings rich in connective tissue, 100g

Salt, 16g
Cure #1, 2g
White pepper, fine grind, 3g
Coriander, 1g
Fresh garlic, 6g
Mace, 1g
100ml. iced water

Processing Instructions
1. Cut meat into 25 to 40mm cubes. Keep the different classes of meats separate. Add the salt and Cure #1 to the cubed meat, mix well, pack into a container, cover, and refrigerate for 48-72 hours.
2. Leave lean Class I cubes intact. Grind the Class II pork through 10mm plate. Combine the pork trimmings and beef and grind through 3 mm plate two times.
3. Press the garlic or use a blender. Add the garlic and the remaining spices into 50% of the water. Mix well and keep very cold.
4. Add the water and spice blend to the finely ground beef and pork trimmings and emulsify by hand by mixing for several minutes.
5. Combine the lean chunks with the ground Class II pork and mix for several minutes until very sticky. Add the emulsified meats and mix everything together. Remaining iced water should be added gradually while mixing. In making this sausage the mixing is very important. Mix until everything is very sticky and the different meats are distributed evenly. There are no binders used and the emulsified meat will be glue for the meats.
6. Stuff into 50-60mm artificial casings or natural beef middles. Tie off into 35-45mm chubs, looped at one end for hanging.
7. Set the sausage overnight in fridge or two to three hours at room temperature.
8. Preheat your smoker to 160F, let it cool, and load your sausage into it. Open top and bottom dampers wide and warm sausage at 110F for one hour. Smoke for 2.5 hours at 130-140F.
9. Finish by poaching with water at a temp of 170F until the internal temperature of the sausage reaches 152F. Cool gently with water and hang at room temp for 2 hours before refrigerating.
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